We work continuously with health-promoting initiatives and aim to be a workplace where no one gets injured or sick as a result of their work.
Good health is important to all of us at Protan and it is a critical success factor in realising our mission. This is why we focus on the health of our colleagues and the continuous improvement of our work environment.
We conduct our business through the effective use of materials and energy, with a focus on reducing the use of natural resources as well as reducing emissions and waste. We strive to make our products recyclable or able to be safely returned. Read also: Sustainability in Protan.
Protan has first-rate security measures and training in place to reduce accidents and damage to people, the environment and materials. Our HSE mission also states our policy of zero injuries and accidents. We emphasize continuous learning though risk evaluation and the reporting of discrepancies.
We regularly monitor our activities both internally and externally to ensure our company’s policies regarding HSE, quality and the surrounding environment are being complied with in all areas of the company.