Hege Gunnerud
Principal Engineer and Lab Manager R&D, Norway
Hege has worked for Protan for 30 years in various positions. She also holds the position as chairwoman of TPF (Takprodusentenes Forskningsgruppe).
Why is it important to celebrate International Women`s Day?
– Over the years, I have faced challenges in the workplace that I likely would have avoided if I were a man. As a young, newly married, and freshly graduated woman, I was not seen as an attractive candidate for employment, and I did not secure a permanent position until after I had two children. Although much has changed today, it is still important to observe International Women's Day.
– We still have a long way to go in increasing the representation of women in leadership, especially in our industry. International Women's Day also serves as a reminder of the need to continue working towards a more inclusive work environment.