Protan thermoplastic roof membrane is a sustainable alternative to traditional bitumen membrane. For every 50 sqm of Protan roof membrane replacing a bitumen 5 mm membrane, the world consumption of heavy oil is reduced by an oil barrel. Hence in 2022, Protan delivered 18 million sqm roof membranes and indirectly reduced world oil consumption by 360,000 barrels – a meaningful contribution to a more sustainable future. If all square meters of asphalt in Europe were replaced by Protan roofing membranes, we could reduce CO2 emissions equivalent to just under 3 million cars per year.
For Norway to reach the national climate target by 2030, the country must cut emissions by at least 55% over the next seven years compared to 1990 levels. Protan Group is part of Norway’s largest mainland industry; the construction industry, which accounts for around 15% of Norway’s greenhouse gas emissions. Our products are sold, installed, and used in over 30 countries and on all seven continents. This global presence entails a global footprint. Therefore, we have developed our first climate accounting scheme, which will drive us to make changes and initiate emission reducing efforts. We will start with activities where the potential for emission reduction is the greatest.

More extreme and frequent heatwaves, and severe downpours create demand for resilient and durable roofing and other outdoor products. Protan has for several years developed a portfolio of resilient and long-lasting products customized to withstand both heatwaves and severe downpours. Protan’s roofing solutions will fill the needs of construction projects that emphasizes sustainability. That includes our water attenuation system BlueProof as well as roofs that are customized for the installation of solar photovoltaics and green roof installations.
For several years we have issued EPDs, including the end-of-life stage for our main products. The EPDs clearly show a positive climate effect from recycling of post-industrial PVC and re-use of recyclate in new products, in addition to other sustainable and economic benefits. Our facilities can be customized to recycle roofing and ventilation systems, which prevents these products from ending at incineration plants or on landfills. The EPD contributes to BREEAM points and the opportunity to achieve the ambitious environmental goals outlined in the Property Sector’s Roadmap Towards 2050.