Tunnel Predor Karavanke is a motorway tunnel crossing the Alpine Karawanks mountain range between Austria and Slovenia, with a total length of 7.864 km enclosure between the portals. It Karawanken Autobahn (A11) from Villach with the A2 motorway leading to Kranj and Ljubljana in Slovenia.
On 3 December 2019 DARS gave a new contract to Cengiz İnşaat worth 98.5 million euros.
Construction in Slovenia finally started in the first week of March 2020. The official contract period for Slovenia started on 2 March 2020. The second tube is set to be finished in June 2025. After that, the old tube will undergo intense renovation for two years. Both tubes will finally open 2027.
Assignment includes the waterproofing of bore tunnel areas.
Reference person in Protan: Vanessa Dos Santos
Main Contractor: Cengiz Insaat